
Prison Programming & Re-Entry

IslamicFamily's prison programming supports individuals in the carceral system by fostering community, providing advocacy and resources, and supporting personal growth.

How we can help

Organizing sincere care

Our prison programming provides tailored support during and after incarceration, focusing on practical support and emotional wellbeing.
Prison Visits & Programming

A dedicated and trained team member visits correctional institutions in Edmonton and as far as Drumheller, providing support to individuals in prisons, regardless of religious background. Faith-specific services are also offered, such as Friday prayers. Regular programming is provided in certain facilities, such as tapestry making at the Edmonton Institution for Women and a bi-weekly Muslim men’s group in Grierson Institution.

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Halfway Houses

Regular dinners are held at Edmonton-area halfway houses, allowing those transitioning out of the prison system to find community, solace and support as they begin their new lives.

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Our team advocates for the rights of individuals in prisons and on parole, including their religious rights, such as access to faith-appropriate diets. Our team also writes letters of support for our clients and attends their parole hearings.

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Tasbihs & Prayer Rugs

We work with prisons to be able to deliver hand-made tasbihs (prayer beads) and prayer rugs to Muslims in carceral facilities.

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Who we help

Supporting those inside and beyond the system

We serve individuals in prisons, those transitioning back into society, and community members eager to support reintegration. Our services are available to anyone in the correctional system seeking support and welcoming community.
A warmly lit event check-in table where a man in a suit greets women wearing hijabs, with a festive atmosphere, flowers, and decorative lights in the background.


Additional resources & partner organizations

Through our partnerships, we link program participants to additional resources that aid their reintegration, including housing assistance, employment services, and mental health support.

Correctional Service Canada Chaplaincy

We work closely with chaplains to provide spiritual and emotional support to individuals within correctional facilities.
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Local Community Organizations

We collaborate with various community partners to ensure that participants have access to housing, mental health counselling, and job readiness programs once they are released.
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